8 hours
Qatar National Vision 2030:
English: https://www.gco.gov.qa/en/about-qatar/national-vision2030/
Arabic: https://www.gco.gov.qa/ar/about-qatar/national-vision2030/
Source: Government Communications Office (2023). Qatar National Vision 2030. [online] Government Communications Office. Available at: https://www.gco.gov.qa/en/about-qatar/national-vision2030/
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: The lesson will have aspects of promoting and raising awareness of resilient infrastructure and sustainable road safety that fosters innovation.
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: The lesson tool will make connections to road safety making communities and cities safe, resilient, and sustainable.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations
English: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
Arabic: https://sdgs.un.org/ar/goals
Source: United Nations (2024). The 17 Sustainable Development Goals. [online] United Nations. Available at: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
The content of the lesson tool revolves around identifying and understanding the purpose of road signs. Students will use this knowledge to analyze road safety targets and design an awareness leaflet, video, or slideshow presentation to inform families, friends, or their local community of safety measures that can be taken as part of our shared responsibility to sustain the nation. If students wish to present as a poster or another form of presentation allow them to be creative.
Resource Utilization and Identification: Locating the information from The Ashghal official website (see resources below).
Subject Matter: Making connections with global road signs. Exploring directional road signs and their purpose from Ashghal’s video presentation and answering 8 multiple-choice questions to test their comprehension. Analyzing road safety targets from the National Road Safety Strategy document and using this information to choose and select an action plan target area that they wish to raise awareness to inform others.
Glocalization Connections: Connect Road signs to global road signs.
Differentiation: Choice of road safety target and form of presentation.
Critical Thinking: Encourage students to critically analyze and interpret the safety significance of their chosen road safety target, considering its potential local and global influence.
Real-world Application: Discuss and explain how understanding and raising awareness that road safety matters.
The strategies employed in this lesson tool are designed to foster analyzing, critical thinking, inquiry, collaboration, and innovative engagement. They include visible thinking routines, responsive pedagogy, and problem-solving approaches to adapt to students’ needs and encourage active participation. Students apply meaningful learning experiences that connect to local infrastructure.
Responsive and Adaptive Pedagogy: Adjust the pace and level of guidance based on student responses and engagement, considering the diversity of road safety aspects.
Visible Thinking Routines: Implement the “Think-Pair-Share” routine to stimulate critical thinking and discussion. Encourage students to utilize what they already know, and what they want to find out more about; to extend their knowledge to learn new information.
Inquiry: Encourage students to inquire about the road safety targets in fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration.
Collaboration: Facilitate a class discussion forum where students can share and compare their findings, promoting collaboration and the exchange of diverse perspectives.
Assessment for and as Learning: Use formative assessments like peer assessments of their presentations and encourage discussions to enhance critical thinking and analysis on why road safety is significant.
Problem-Solving: Ask students to identify and propose solutions to challenges related to road safety and what actions could be recommended.
Learning Engagement 1: Road directional signs
Resources: Ashghal website: https://www.ashghal.gov.qa/en/MediaHub/Pages/VideoGallery.aspx?album=17
Educational video about the Directional Signs: https://youtu.be/Xg-B2YN-xTQ
Resources 1 and 2
Learning Objective: To identify and understand the purpose of directional signs
Part 1: Introduction and context setting
Global and local road sign matching activity
Students will be provided with Resource 1: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Resource-1_-Global-and-local-road-sign-matching-activity.pdf that consists of different road signs from different countries, the students will attempt to match the one they believe is from that country.
Student friendly questions:
What helped you to recognize which road sign belonged to which country?
What do you notice about Qatar’s road signs compared to Japan? Are they similar or different? Explain your answer in detail.
What is different between the United Kingdom and the other road signs? What languages are the other road signs written in?
Were there any challenges in recognizing which road sign belonged to which country? If so, what were they?
How do road signs help road users (drivers/passengers)?
Do you think it is important that a country requires road signs as part of their infrastructure? Explain your answer.
Do you think it is necessary that road signs are available globally? Explain your answer.
The teacher will then ask students to look at the Qatar National Vision 2030 document, and locate under which pillar would these road signs be essential for Qatar’s Vision and sustainability of the country?
Part 2: Understanding road signs and their purpose
Activity Description: The teacher will show the educational video on directional signs from Ashghal: https://youtu.be/Xg-B2YN-xTQ
This video can be shown as a whole class activity or have students watching on their iPads using headphones.
After watching the video, the teacher will hand out the multiple-choice questionnaire resource 2: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Resource-2_-Ashghal-video-multiple-choice-questions.pdf
Once completed, the teacher will display the answers for students to work in with peers to discuss their responses and reflect on their answers and add any beneficial comments using another colored pen. The teacher can use these as an assessment tool to check for understanding.
Learning Engagement 2: Road Safety Awareness
Resources: National Road Safety Strategy Document: https://www.ashghal.gov.qa/ServicesLibrary/English/NRSS_Eng.pdf#search=road%20safety
Resource 3: Rubric https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Rubric-for-Road-Safety-Awareness-Presentation.pdf
Learning Objective:
The National Road Safety Strategy is structured around the four core elements of the Safe System:
Part 1: Visible Thinking Routine – “Think-Pair-Share”
Instructions for Teachers: Explain to students that they will use the “Think-Pair-Share” routine to explore road safety targets presented by the National Road Safety Strategy document. Encourage them to think individually, share their thoughts with a partner, and then participate in a class discussion.Emphasize that this is a collaborative and reflective process.
Instructions for Students:
Think: Ask students to individually think about the road safety action plans. Do they feel that these have been accomplished and how can they be related and informed to raise awareness to others?
Pair: Have students pair up with another student. Encourage them to share their thoughts about addressing any concerns with their chosen road safety action. Encourage students to suggest solutions with their partner on how they could inform others to raise awareness about the action needed. Students are encouraged to take turns in speaking and listening to each other.
Share: As a class, open discussion. Ask students to share what they and their partner discussed. Encourage them to express their thoughts, questions, and ideas.
Student-Friendly Questions:
Reflection from think-pair-share responses
Reflection Journal
Students can use journals as a reflection tool. Students can feel free to document their thoughts and their peer’s thoughts in their reflection journal. This provides a documented record of their ideas that they can re-visit as needed.
Part 2: Plan, organize, and compile a presentation.
Students will be provided the resources and tools in this lesson plan to plan, organize and compile their presentation on road safety awareness taking an example from their chosen National Road Safety Strategy action targets in a creative and/or innovative form. Share resource 3, the rubric: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Rubric-for-Road-Safety-Awareness-Presentation.pdf. This will help them to be Senior Road Safety Officers to raise their awareness presentation well.
Differentiation: students can choose how they wish to present their awareness presentation. They can work in pairs. Suggestions might include leaflet, video, iMovie, slideshow presentation, Prezi, Powtoon (animated videos), poster. They would be encouraged to have both languages Arabic and English to involve a wider audience and to be creative to draw attention for positive action.
Presentation Evaluation: After the presentation, assess students’ insights into the importance of raising awareness about road safety and check against rubric (resource 3).
Learning Engagement 1: Road directional signs
Part 1: Global and local road sign matching activity.
Students can identify and match local and global road signs.
Part 2:
Understanding road signs and their purpose.
Ashghal’s video questions: Evaluate students’ responses from the eight multiple choice questions.
Learning Engagement 2: Road Safety Awareness
Part 1: Visible Thinking Routine – “Think-Pair-Share”
Feedback on students’ responses on think-pair-share activity in accordance with their action plan target from the National Road Safety Strategy document.
Part 2: Plan, organize, and compile a presentation.
Resource 3: Road Safety Awareness Rubric – the teacher and students can use rubric to assess and evaluate understanding. Students can be celebrated for being Senior Road Safety Officers and others congratulated on their efforts.
Choice of presentation and road safety action awareness.
Presentation Evaluation: After the presentation assess students’ insights into the importance of raising awareness about road safety and with resource 3 rubric.
awareness, communities, infrastructure, measures, national, passengers, precautions, responsibility, roads, road user, safety, strategy, sustainability
Ashghal official page for the media hub:
English language site: https://www.ashghal.gov.qa/en/MediaHub/Pages/VideoAlbum.aspx
Arabic language site: https://www.ashghal.gov.qa/ar/MediaHub/pages/default.aspx
Educational video resource on directional road signs: : https://youtu.be/Xg-B2YN-xTQ
National Road Safety Strategy: https://www.ashghal.gov.qa/ServicesLibrary/English/NRSS_Eng.pdf#search=road%20safety
National Road Safety Strategy Brochures
Resource 1: Global and local road sign matching activity: activity: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Resource-1_-Global-and-local-road-sign-matching-activity.pdf
Resource 2: Ashghal video multiple-choice questions: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Resource-2_-Ashghal-video-multiple-choice-questions.pdf
Resource 3: Rubric for Road Safety Awareness Presentation: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Rubric-for-Road-Safety-Awareness-Presentation.pdf
The Public Works Authority 'Ashghal' was established in 2004 to be responsible for the planning, design, procurement, construction, delivery, and asset management of all infrastructure projects and public buildings in Qatar.