Identity - Who We Are?

Identity – Who We Are?

  • Social Progress
  • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG 17: Partnerships for The Goals, SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
  • Resource Plan
  • 8 - 9 years
  • Art, Language Arts, Maths, Music, Personal & Social Education, Physical, Qatar History

Learning Outcomes:
- Learners analyze and interpret the diversity of opinions and ideas relating to glocalization within both local and global contextual and conceptual frameworks.
- Learners consider, contrast, and compare their local heritage and identity within the context of global issues with local impact, and local issues with global impact.
- Learners describe, explain and interpret the characteristics, structures and interactions of a theme, group, project or organization related to glocalization.
- Learners use their awareness of their own strengths and areas of growth in their understanding of glocalization.
- Understand that directions for location can be represented by coordinates on a grid (Math-Shape and Space).
- Understand the use of standard units to measure perimeter and area (Math- Measurement).
- Use language for a variety of personal purposes (Language- L&S).
- Begin to understand that language use is influenced by its purpose and audience (Language-L&S).
- Realize that visual information reflects and contributes to the understanding of context (Language V&P).
- Write about a range of topics for a variety of purposes (Language Wtg).
- Explain how a person’s identity is made up of many different things (PSPE-Id).
- Analyse how they are connected to the wider community (PSPE-Id).
- Recognize that committing to shared goals in group situations improves individual and shared experiences and outcomes (PSPE- Int).

Resource Publisher

National Museum

The National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ) gives voice to Qatar’s rich heritage and culture. They welcome diverse communities to their vibrant and immersive space to come together to experience Qatar’s past, present, and future.

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