Population and Migration

Sustainable Population and Migration

Overarching Goal(s)

Overarching Goal(s)

  • To nurture learners as global citizens who are connected to their own national identity. 
  • To equip learners with the knowledge, skills, motivation and understanding to demonstrate the importance of Glocalization as a sustainable model for learning.
Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

  • Learners describe, explain, and interpret the characteristics, structures and interactions of a theme, group, project, or organization related to glocalization. 
  • Learners discuss, plan, and evaluate learner -initiated- action in a sustainable way.
Possible Duration (Hours)

Possible Duration (Hours)

8-10 hours

Qatar National Vision 2030 Connection

Qatar National Vision 2030 Connection

Qatar National Vision 2030:

English: https://www.gco.gov.qa/en/about-qatar/national-vision2030/

Arabic: https://www.gco.gov.qa/ar/about-qatar/national-vision2030/

Source: Government Communications Office (2023). Qatar National Vision 2030. [online] Government Communications Office. Available at: https://www.gco.gov.qa/en/about-qatar/national-vision2030/

English: https://www.psa.gov.qa/en/qnv1/pages/default.aspx

Arabic: https://www.psa.gov.qa/ar/qnv1/Pages/default.aspx

Source: Planning Statistics Authority (2019). Qatar National Vision 2030. [online] Psa.gov.qa. Available at: https://www.psa.gov.qa/en/qnv1/Pages/default.aspx.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Connection

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Connection

SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth 

SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities 

SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations 

English: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

Arabic: https://sdgs.un.org/ar/goals

Source: United Nations (2024). The 17 Sustainable Development Goals. [online] United Nations. Available at: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

Action Learning Outcomes

Action Learning Outcomes

  • Learners discuss, evaluate, and plan student-initiated activities. 
  • Learners become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth.
  • Learners undertake challenges that develop new skills.


Local and global population and migration statistics.



  • Critical thinking 
  • Researching, planning, and designing skills
  • Teamwork and collaboration
Learning Experiences

Learning Experiences

Learning Engagement 1


The teacher will share and discuss the three SDG Goals 8, 10 and 11 with the students and will explain how they are all interconnected. The teacher will ask students to think about these when carrying out their tasks, and where they will be applicable to migration and population for a country.

The teacher will explain to the students several factors that influence the structure of a population. This might include, agriculture economic change, education, improvements in healthcare and the emancipation of women to work.

The teacher will display the keywords from the Engagement 1:  https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/PSA-Migration-Engagment-1-.pdf resource on the board that will be used throughout the lesson. The teacher will share and explain the several types of migration. The teacher will then introduce and explain the Push and Pull factors, the source, and the host country keywords. Then the teacher invites students to comment which of the following are examples of Push and Pull factors and source and host countries. The statements can be displayed on the smart board.

  1. A natural disaster in the United States.
  2. Affordable housing in Germany.
  3. High rise in unemployment in Europe.
  4. Cost of living rises in the United Kingdom.
  5. Job opportunities, Qatari culture, and better healthcare in Qatar.
  6. Civil unrest in Sudan. 
  7. An individual who feels unsafe or threatened in their country.

The teacher then shares the following scenario to the students and asks students to share their responses on what might be the reasons for Ali and his family to migrate to Qatar. What might Ali not face in the migrating country compared to what he faced in his previous employment? Do you think his child would have an impact on migrating to Qatar? Explain your responses.

Ali is having difficulties in his current employment in Europe because of some unnecessary discrimination that is directed towards his race and religion. Also, his seven year old child is experiencing a difficult time at school, and facing bullying and unkind remarks from his classmates. Ali is offered a position to work in Qatar and makes the decision to migrate with his family. 

The teacher then shows the colored interactive total number of International Migration Map from the following link: https://worldmigrationreport.iom.int/wmr-2022-interactive/ and invites 2-3 students to come to the smart board to pick three countries and write down the migration population on the whiteboard/flip chart. Students are also asked to write down the country, population and the percentage of migrants and non-migrants in the country chosen in their journals. In small groups, they will use some of this data to complete the Engagement 1 chart resource: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Engagement-1-Chart.pdf


Students will reflect on the information and be invited to explain why they feel that there is migration in certain countries compared to the other countries identified. 

(The teacher looks for answers such as developed countries, better health care, more resources, better job opportunities, culture…). Each group will share one country that has high migration population and one country that has low migration population, and will explain the reasons for its increase or decrease in population.

Learning Engagement 2


The teacher will share the following link from the Planning and Statistics Authority

https://www.psa.gov.qa/en/Pages/default.aspx section on ‘Visitors Arrival by Region’. The teacher will ask students to focus on the visitors coming into Qatar, not migrants and what could be a reason that GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) have a higher percentage based on what they have learned and their knowledge.  Then the teacher will ask why they think people from Europe enjoy visiting Qatar compared to the other regions. 

Then the teacher will show the video, Qatar National Vision 2030, PSA_Qatar,

رؤية قطر الوطنية 2030

After the video, the teacher will ask students to identify the main pillars for the Qatar National Vision 2030. The students will then be divided into small groups and the teacher will explain that each group will research the four pillars listed under the Visitors statistics:  https://www.psa.gov.qa/en/Pages/default.aspx and will choose one of the pillars to describe and create a clear, concise presentation (digital, movie, PowerPoint, or poster) to demonstrate the growing population of their chosen pillar. 

The teacher will explain under each pillar there are several resources and documents to locate the necessary information for their presentation. Their presentation should include: 

1 – The title of the pillar and the importance of that pillar for Qatar’s population growth in their own words. Students can be creative and use eye-catching animations. 

2 – Definition of migration and a list of the Pull factors why people would migrate to Qatar – Be creative and include and share the Qatari culture as a positive factor.

3 – Population statistics. Under each pillar, Planning and Statistics Authority they will find population statistics – they should choose one area that as a group they would like to research and select 3-4 PDF Bulletin Year Reports with one of them being the latest report. They will need to show the comparison of how the population in the chosen area has advanced and explain this in the form of a pie or bar chart. 

For example, under the Economic Pillar under the Economic Activity for Hotels and Restaurants in Bulletin pdf report 2020 – The total number of employees is 75508 (75363 non- Qatari citizens and 145 Qatari citizens (page 49) compared to the 2009 Bulletin pdf report (page 45) 34857 (24651 non-Qatari citizens, 206 Qatari citizens). Students select up to two more to represent their data on their preferred chart. 

4- Identify and explain the possible positive factors that have influenced the increase in the population statistics. 

5- The presentation must include which SDG Goal 8, 10 or 11 is more applicable to their chosen development pillar and explain why. 

Also, students make sure each of the participating group member’s name is also listed and cite source(s) used (Planning and Statistics Authority with link). 

The teacher reminds the students to make sure the audience can engage with their presentation, and they should practice in their group or with a family member/educator for any suggestions to improve their presentation that might make it more effective and concise.


Each group will present their presentations in class, or to other year groups as the teacher sees appropriate.


Students can present their project in a school assembly to promote the sustainability of the pillar and their roles as future leaders. They should include the significance of how the push and pull factors contribute to encouraging the population increase in Qatar. 


Students can create a creative digital brochure highlighting sustainable tourism in Qatar, including the positive appropriate Pull Factors to migrate to Qatar for the new staff members joining their school.

Checking for Understanding

Checking for Understanding

  • Reflections 
  • Presentation


Mixed ability groups to support lower ability students

Key Vocabulary

Key Vocabulary

economic migration, culture, host country, illegal migration, international migration, national migration, population, Push and Pull factors, refugee. source country, statistics



Planning and Statistics Authority Official Site:

Planning and Statistics Authority

IOM UN Migration, World Migration Report 2022, https://worldmigrationreport.iom.int/wmr-2022-interactive/

Engagement 1 resource (keywords):https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/PSA-Migration-Engagment-1-.pdf

Engagement 1 chart resource: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Engagement-1-Chart.pdf

Resource Publisher

Planning and Statistics Authority

HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani issued Thursday Amiri Decision No. 14 of 2024 forming the National Planning Council. In addition, His Highness the Amir of the State of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on Thursday issued Amiri Decision No 15 of 2024 appointing HE Abdulaziz bin Nasser bin Mubarak Al Khalifa as Secretary-General of the National Planning Council (NPC).

Other Resources