Curating an Exhibition

Curating an Exhibition

  • Social Progress
  • SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, SDG 4: Quality Education
  • Resource Plan
  • 14 - 15, 15 - 16, 16 - 17, 17 - 18 years
  • Visual Arts

Learning Outcomes:
Learners analyze and interpret the diversity of opinions and ideas relating to localization within both local and global contextual and conceptual frameworks.
Learners consider, contrast, and compare their local heritage and identity within the context of global issues with local impact, and local issues with global impact.
Learners will describe the diversity and multitude of voices, situated within the global contextual and conceptual framework.
Learners are responsible to find and identify the local in the global and vs in order to make connections.
Learners develop ARTL skills through learning experiences that support understanding of glocalization and SDG’s.

Resource Publisher

National Museum

The National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ) gives voice to Qatar’s rich heritage and culture. They welcome diverse communities to their vibrant and immersive space to come together to experience Qatar’s past, present, and future.

Other Resources