Learners describe, explain and interpret the characteristics, structures and interactions of a theme, group, project or organization related to glocalization.
Learners use their awareness of their own strengths and areas of growth in their understanding of glocalization.
Learners discuss, plan and evaluate learner initiated action using sustainable approaches.
Learners embrace meaningful action through student agency.
Learners develop life long skills which support their sustainable actions.
Learners reflect on the impact of their actions and demonstrate their understanding of the action as related to sustainability.
5 hours.
Qatar National Vision 2030:
Environmental Development: Management of the environment such that there is harmony between economic growth, social development and environmental protection.
English: https://www.gco.gov.qa/en/about-qatar/national-vision2030/
Arabic: https://www.gco.gov.qa/ar/about-qatar/national-vision2030/
Source: Government Communications Office (2023). Qatar National Vision 2030. [online] Government Communications Office. Available at: https://www.gco.gov.qa/en/about-qatar/national-vision2030/
SDG:15: Life on Land: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations
English: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
Arabic: https://sdgs.un.org/ar/goals
Source: United Nations (2024). The 17 Sustainable Development Goals. [online] United Nations. Available at: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
Learners become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth.
Learners undertake challenges that develop new skills.
Learners discuss, evaluate and plan student-initiated activities.
Learners persevere in action.
Learners work collaboratively with others.
Learners develop international-mindedness through glocalized engagement, multilingualism and intercultural understanding
Learners consider the ethical implications of their actions.
This lesson tool utilizes the flora and fauna exhibit at the National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ) to educate students aged 14-16 relating to the desert environment in Qatar. Focusing on science, the plan integrates the concept of glocalization to address SDG Goal 15 (Life on Land), aiming to inspire sustainable actions and solutions relevant to the local and global context.
Resource Identification
Subject Matter
Resource Utilization
Glocalization Connections
Critical Thinking
Responsive and Adaptive Pedagogy
Adapt teaching to individual student needs and interests, especially during project work.
Visible Thinking Routines
Employ “See-Think-Wonder” for critical observation and analysis of the desert ecosystem.
Encourage hypothesis formation and research on desert ecology.
Promote group projects for sustainable solutions, emphasizing peer learning.
Assessment for learning
Provide ongoing feedback and integrate self and peer assessments.
Challenge students to develop practical solutions for desert environmental issues.
Learning Engagement 1.
GRASPS-Based Learning Engagement with NMoQ Exhibit for “Qatar’s Desert Environment: Sustainable Solutions and Actions”.
The GRASPS model was developed by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe as part of their “Understanding by Design” (UbD) framework. It is used to design authentic assessments that align with desired learning outcomes and standards. This model helps educators create real-world scenarios where students apply their knowledge and skills to achieve specific outcomes, demonstrating understanding and proficiency in a meaningful context.
Create a sustainable action plan to address a specific environmental challenge identified in Qatar’s desert ecosystem, as explored through the NMoQ exhibit.
Students act as environmental consultants, using insights from the NMoQ exhibit to inform their sustainable action plans.
The action plans will be presented to a mock environmental council, consisting of teachers, fellow students, and, if possible, invited local environmental experts.
The exhibit at NMoQ showcases the diverse flora and fauna of Qatar’s desert, highlighting the ecological challenges they face. Students are tasked with identifying a specific challenge and developing a sustainable solution.
Develop a comprehensive action plan or prototype that demonstrates a sustainable approach to the chosen environmental challenge. This could include conservation strategies, awareness campaigns, or innovative technologies.
i. Visit the NMoQ exhibit
Visit the flora and fauna exhibit at the National Museum of Qatar.
Observe and take notes on various species and their adaptations to the desert environment.
ii. Identify an environmental challenge
Choose one specific environmental challenge highlighted in the exhibit (e.g., water scarcity affecting a particular species).
Write a brief description of the challenge.
iii. Conduct research
Utilize museum resources, scientific literature, and online databases to gather more information about the chosen challenge.
Document key findings and possible solutions from existing research.
iv. Develop a sustainable solution
Brainstorm ideas for a sustainable solution to the chosen challenge.
Consider factors like feasibility, impact, and alignment with environmental sustainability principles.
v. Create an action plan
Outline a detailed plan for implementing your solution. Include steps, resources needed, timeline, and expected outcomes.
Ensure the plan is clear, realistic, and addresses the challenge effectively.
vi. Collaborate and refine
Work with peers to discuss and refine your action plan.
Incorporate feedback and additional ideas to enhance the plan.
vii. Prepare a presentation
Create a presentation to showcase your action plan to the class and any invited audience (teachers, environmental experts).
Include visual aids, key findings, and the rationale for your solution.
viii. Present your action plan
Present your sustainable solution to the audience.
Explain the environmental challenge, your proposed solution, and the expected impact.
ix. Reflect and evaluate
After the presentation, reflect on the process and the feedback received.
Write a reflection considering what you learned, challenges faced, and how the project could be improved or expanded.
Standards and success criteria
Learning Engagement 2: Reflection Piece Using the Visible Thinking Routine for “Qatar’s Desert Environment: Sustainable Solutions and Actions”
After completing the project on sustainable solutions for Qatar’s desert environment, students are encouraged to reflect on their learning experiences. This reflection employs the “See-Think-Wonder” visible thinking routine to facilitate a deeper understanding of their engagement with the project.
i. See (Observations): Prompt for Students:
ii. Think (Interpretations): Prompt for Students:
iii. Wonder (Curiosities): Prompt for Students:
Overview for Checking Understanding in the GRASPS Task
Quick Assessments
Progress Check-Ins
Final Presentation Evaluation
Presentation Rubric for “Qatar’s Desert Environment: Sustainable Solutions and Actions”.
adaptation, biodiversity, conservation, ecology, ecosystem, feasibility, glocalisation, habitat, innovation, sustainability.
The National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ) gives voice to Qatar’s rich heritage and culture. They welcome diverse communities to their vibrant and immersive space to come together to experience Qatar’s past, present, and future.