5 hours
SDG 4: Quality Education: This lesson tool will have aspects of quality education promoting lifelong opportunities for learners.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations
English: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
Arabic: https://sdgs.un.org/ar/goals
Source: United Nations (2024). The 17 Sustainable Development Goals. [online] United Nations. Available at: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
The content of the lesson tool revolves around defining, and comprehending navigation systems, compasses and the cultural significance of Compass Al Deira, investigating the Qibla compass. Also, identifying how magnets work and connection to navigation systems. In addition, using and applying mapping skills, directions and cardinal points.
Resource Utilization and Identification: Locating the information at the National Museum of Qatar and their online resources.
Subject Matter: Creating maps, understanding navigation in relation to geographical areas, mathematical concepts of compass cardinal points and scale, Qatar History navigation used in the past for pearl diving, languages for presentations and communication, and Sciences.
Glocalization Connections: Connect the significance of GPS navigation systems globally.
Differentiation: Support challenging activities for higher ability student groups. Group presentations will be formed of mixed ability students, to provide the help to students that require support.
Critical Thinking: Encourage students to critically analyze and interpret the cultural significance of their direction of the Qibla and significance to Islamic culture.
Real-world Application: Discuss how understanding the GPS navigation systems, mapping and qibla direction can promote local, national and intercultural understanding.
The strategies employed in this lesson tool are designed to foster analyzing, critical thinking, inquiry, collaboration, and innovative engagement. They include brainstorming, visible thinking routines, responsive pedagogy, and problem-solving approaches that adapt to students’ needs and encourage active participation. Students apply meaningful learning experiences that connect to local culture and global connections.
Responsive and Adaptive Pedagogy: Adjust the pace and level of guidance based on student responses and engagement, considering the diversity of chosen navigation systems.
Visible Thinking Routines: Implement the Brainstorming and ‘Think, Pair and Share’ routine to stimulate critical thinking and discussion.
Inquiry: Encourage students to inquire about navigation systems and the direction of the Qibla to that of its cultural/Islamic significance of fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration through the activity.
Collaboration: Facilitate a class discussion forum where students can share and compare their findings, promoting collaboration and the exchange of diverse perspectives.
Assessment for and as Learning: Use formative assessments like peer reviews of their presentations, and findings and encourage discussions to enhance critical thinking and analysis on the significance of navigation systems and directions.
Problem-Solving: Ask students to identify and propose solutions to challenges related navigation systems and what actions could be recommended.
Learning Engagement 1:
Learning Objective:
Introduction Activity:
Visible Thinking Routine: Connect-Extend-Challenge
Students will use the Connect-Extend-Challenge visible routine to help them understand what is meant by navigation, connecting it to the real-world and extending their knowledge to the purpose and uses of navigation and challenging them beyond.
Connect – Ask students to come up with definitions of navigation in pairs or in small groups. Then come together as a class to share and agree on a class definition for navigation. Ask students what navigation tools they are familiar with that help us to navigate our way around Qatar, and how they are beneficial.
Extend – Ask students to think and come up with a list of navigation tools that are used globally and what they are used for.
Challenge – Ask students to list any challenges or puzzles that emerge for them about navigation tools.
Example of a definition for navigation: the art and science of maneuvering safely and efficiently from one place to another.
The process or activity of accurately ascertaining one’s position and planning and following a route (Oxford Dictionary).
Student-Friendly Questions:
Students can use the following resource to support them with the GPS Navigation questions. They should be informed that there are many different types of navigation systems, and some are more reliable than others and preferable for local use depending on which country you are located in.
Resource 1: GPS Navigation Apps: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Resource-1_-GPS-Navigation-Apps.pdf
Learning Engagement 1: Exploration of the Compass Al Deira
Students will be provided with the National Museum of Qatar online resource link available at: https://explorer.nmoq.org.qa/api/en/artefact/?id=aHR0cHM6Ly9xY3BtYWluc3Rvbm1vcWttMDEuYmxvYi5jb3JlLndpbmRvd3MubmV0L3Byb2RxbWRpZ2xpYi9hc3NldHMvRzYvUU5NLjIwMTEuODYxLjEuanBn0&culture=english
Note that students also have the option to access the Al Deira Compass through the Arabic language selection option. Available at: https://explorer.nmoq.org.qa/api/ar/artefact/?id=aHR0cHM6Ly9xY3BtYWluc3Rvbm1vcWttMDEuYmxvYi5jb3JlLndpbmRvd3MubmV0L3Byb2RxbWRpZ2xpYi9hc3NldHMvRzYvUU5NLjIwMTEuODYxLjEuanBn0&culture=arabic
Students will be encouraged to work in small mixed-ability groups to research using the online resource and finding the answers to the following questions:
Students will explain their answers fully and in as much detail as possible. They will need to record their answers and present it in a clear form to share with other students. They could show their answers in a creative and illustrative way, adding their responses to a PowerPoint presentation, Google Slide Presentation, or Poster, or other creative presentation. The presentation should be clear, well-organized and creatively presentable with the researched answers citing the online reference used. The students could be encouraged to design their findings as a quiz for other groups to answer, or use the information to create a narrative or speech.
Each group will present to the other groups and ask any topical or cultural questions they may have for the group or what they still want to know more about. The students assess and evaluate each other’s presentations.
Learning Engagement 2: Identify the Connection with Magnetism and Navigation and Exploring the Qibla Compass
Learning Objective: To comprehend how magnets work and how this connects to navigation systems.
To analyze and investigate the ‘Qibla’ compass on Islamic Prayer Mats/Mobile Phone Devices
Part 1: How Magnets Work
Students will use their prior knowledge to identify how magnets work.
The teacher will prepare and display the following paragraph on the board with the missing words, and students will fill in the missing blanks as a class activity. Word banks will be provided to support learners.
See Resource 2. How Magnets Work: https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Resource-2.-How-magnets-work.pdf
Brainstorming activity – connection to navigation
Students will be provided sufficient allocated time to brainstorm in their notebook journals what connections magnetism have with navigation systems. Some guided questions to support them thinking back to the GPS navigation systems – how can data be tracked? What assists apps to navigate roads and locations for us? They can use their laptops to research and then share their responses with the class. How does magnetism connect to compasses? How does the compass needle point to ‘north’?
Part 2: Investigate the Qibla compass and direction
Prior to the lesson, the teacher would organize for students to bring in Islamic Prayer Mats that have Qibla compasses on them. The students can ask to borrow one from a relative or friend if they do not own one. Not every student needs to bring one to class. For example, two people can share one Qibla compass prayer mat to explore how the Qibla compass helps them find the direction in which Muslims need to face when praying. In addition to using the Islamic Prayer mat, the teacher or students can invite a parent to explain and demonstrate to the class how a Qibla application, or a compass on a prayer mat can be used to find the direction for Muslims to pray. Alternatively, students could find the Qibla direction by using their digital device application. The students should investigate and explain how the direction might change in different locations locally or globally.
Part 1: Visible Thinking Routine – “Think-Pair-Share”
Instructions for Teachers:
Explain to students that they will use the “Think-Pair-Share” routine to explore compasses on Islamic Prayer Mats and Mobile Phone Devices.
Encourage them to think individually, share their thoughts with a partner, and then participate in a class discussion.
Emphasize that it’s a collaborative and reflective process.
Instructions for Students:
Think: Ask students to individually think about what the purpose is of having a compass on an Islamic Prayer Mat. What do they find interesting or significant about it? What questions do they still have?
Pair: Have students pair up with another student. Encourage them to share their thoughts about their perceptions, knowledge and understanding. They can take turns listening and talking.
Share: As a class open discussion, ask students from each pair to share their responses. Encourage them to express their thoughts, questions, and ideas.
Allow the invited parent, or students to take the mobile phone device with the Qibla finder to find the direction of the Qibla. Then find the direction in another room or area that is a little further away, and observe if the direction is the same? Invite students to respond to explain their answers.
Student-Friendly Questions:
Alternative or optional observational activity – plan a visit to a local Masjid
Learning Engagement 3 – Mapping and Navigation Skills
One of two activities to choose from that works for your class.
Visit to the NMOQ
The teacher will arrange a visit to the NMOQ for the students to plan and sketch a navigation map for students in Grade 6 (Year 7) or Grade 8 (Year 9) of a chosen gallery area. Students should be encouraged to include as many exhibits as possible in that gallery on their map and include no less than seven items. The students should be encouraged to indicate the north direction on their map and their map should indicate where the items can be found in relation to each other using the cardinal compass directions. The students can be creative as they wish, but it needs to be clear, and the instructions should be accurate and easy for other students to follow in their grade below or above.
Scales could be included as a challenge, but it is important to note that measuring any objects would not be possible as they are museum exhibits. The educator could measure from a distance and provide an estimate for students. The teacher will remind the students that we use the scale to minimize the size of larger objects that could not be drawn or sketched on the piece of paper. For example, if the object area is 20 cm by 30 cm. We can add a scale for every 1 cm = 10 cm. So, the object will be drawn on their map as 2 cm by 3 cm.
As a challenge, students should find in which location and Gallery is the Compass, Al Deira in the NMOQ?
Alternative activity
Use the National Museum of Qatar Gallery map online, available at: https://explorer.nmoq.org.qa/en/museum-map/?openGallery=R10 to navigate where the following objects will be found using compass directions.
Students design their own navigation instructions, or a map for other students to help them find the objects on the Open Gallery Map online page. For example, they will sketch the map and write Gallery 1 (G1) is East of Gallery 10 (G10). Then mention the gallery 1 title and list some of the exhibits that can be found in that Gallery.
As a challenge, can students find in which Gallery is the Compass, Al Deira?
Resources required to assist students: Sketch book, compass, ruler, eraser, pencils; colored pencils.
Learning Engagement 1: Exploration of the Compass Al Deira
Learning Engagement 2: Identify the Connection with Magnetism and Navigation and Exploring the Qibla Compass
Learning Engagement 3: Mapping and Navigation Skills: Students are able to create a map, using compass cardinal directions to navigate a gallery area.
General Checking for Understanding:
Peer Assessments: Facilitate peer assessments, allowing students to evaluate each other’s presentations, reflections, or projects based on the subject criteria.
cardinal points, compass, direction, Earth, global positioning, Kaaba, location, magnet, magnetic, magnetized, mapping, molten rock, qibla, navigation, systems
Resource 1: Navigation Apps – https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Resource-1_-GPS-Navigation-Apps.pdf
Resource 2: How Magnets Work – https://rasekh.qa/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Resource-2.-How-magnets-work.pdf
The National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ) gives voice to Qatar’s rich heritage and culture. They welcome diverse communities to their vibrant and immersive space to come together to experience Qatar’s past, present, and future.